Town of Woodland Board Meeting
Date: March 7th, 2024
7:00 PM

Board/Staff Present:

Randy Beale – Mayor
David Cooper - Commissioner
Brian Christison - Commissioner
Ricky Morris - Commissioner
Raymond Eaton - ORC
Brittany Burgess - Town Clerk

Call to Order: Mayor Beale called the meeting to order at 7 PM. Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a moment of silent reflection.

Approval of Agenda: The first item of business was the approval or amendment of the agenda. Mrs. Burgess would like to amend the agenda to add Item H to Section 8, Budget Amendment for FD Building Fund. Commissioner Christison made a motion to approve the amended agenda, Commissioner Cooper seconded, and the motion passed.

Approval of Minutes: The next item of business was the approval or amendment of the minutes from the regular board meeting dated February 8th, 2024. Commissioner Christison made a motion to approve the minutes from the regular board meeting dated February 8th 2024, Commissioner Morris seconded and the motion passed.

Consideration of Bills: Commissioner Christison made a motion to approve bills, Commissioner Cooper seconded, and the motion passed.

Public Comments: Bill Cooley and Anna Burgwyn are in attendance to discuss a private cemetery enclosed with a brick wall behind Mrs. Burgwyn’s house that they would like to work out a deal for the Town to take over the maintenance of it. Mr. Cooley and Mrs. Burgwyn would like to set up perpetual care with the Town through Mr. Luther Culpepper. Commissioner Cooper asked how big of an area it was, Mrs. Burgwyn replied it was just the area inside of the brick columns. It would only need to be push mowed and weed-eated. Commissioner Cooper suggests we need to check out the area with Northampton County Land Records first before agreeing to it, they also want to check with Mr. Culpepper. The Board decided to table this until talking with Luther and the County. Mrs. Burgwyn plans to discuss it with Mr. Culpepper. Commissioner Christison said we really need to sit down and figure out what the town should be taking care of and what they shouldn’t as far as lawn maintenance goes. Mr. Cooley and Mrs. Burgwyn thanked the Board for their consideration, the Board thanked them for coming out.

Mr. Mann would like the ditch to be cleaned out on N. Persimmon’s St. before the mosquitos start back up, a lot of leaves have built up in it preventing the flow of water. Commissioner Cooper said that we can clean it out from the street side, but we can't go into anyone’s yard.

Fire Department: Mr. Robbie Collier was absent, so Mayor Beale read the Fire Department report.

Police Report: Commissioner Morris reported he has been speaking with the Sheriff’s Department and the crime rate has been low. He plans to speak with the Sheriff’s Department about doing some wellness checks on some residents in town. Commissioner Morris reports there will be a Police Department Audit on March 12th, but some of the paperwork has been misplaced in the move from the old Town Hall. Morris says that the Audit may have to be postponed until he can locate the paperwork for it.

Clerk Report: Mrs. Burgess reported that the Audit for the Town is almost finished for FY 2022-2023. Commissioner Christison suggests looking for another Auditor because this Auditor is giving us a late audit although it is their fault.

a. Northampton County Community Day - Northampton County is having a Community Day and would like donations for the event that will be held on July 20th, 2024 at the Wellness Center in Jackson. The donations will be used to buy bookbags and supplies to go into the bookbags to be given to school age kids. They would like all donations in by May 31, 2024.

b. Fybe Business After Hours Event - Fybe is hosting a Business After Hours Event on Thursday, March 21st, 2024 at the Fybe HQ Office in Rich Square if anyone would like to attend. RSVP must be done by Friday, March 15th to Judy Collier with the Northampton County Chamber of Commerce. Mayor would like to attend on behalf of the Town or have Mr. Sidney Joyner attend since he has been very active in getting Fybe to bring their services to Woodland.

c. Lead Service Lines Inventory Engineering Services Agreement - Mr. Blaine Humphrey joined our meeting via Zoom. Lead Service must be completed by October 16, 2024. This is a $200,000 loan with principal forgiveness of $140,000. Mayor Beale verified that Rivers & Associates will be working to keep the Town progressing. This is to list the inventory for the project. Commissioner Christison suggested we pay the 30% that is due instead of taking out a loan. Commissioner Cooper asked if this was for all our residents, Mr. Humphrey replied that it is. Mr. Humphrey also commented that it is something that is mandated by the State now. Commissioner Cooper made a motion to join with Rivers and Associates for the Lead Service Lines Inventory Engineering Service Contract, Commissioner Christison seconded, and the motion passed.

d. Pool Credit Process - Mrs. Burgess informed the Board that Pool Credits will soon be starting up again, and we will need to announce that on the upcoming water bills. She questioned what the process should be for the pool credit as last year was a bit of a mess. Commissioner Christison would like us to advertise it all over town. Mrs. Bolton suggested that we go by the gallons of the pool and the increase in the consumption for the individual to decipher what the pool credit should be for each individual. Commissioner Cooper suggested that the maintenance crew measure the pool. Commissioner Christison suggests doing the same as always, but if they do not notify us of the pool fill up then they do not get a pool credit.

e. Budget Amendment for the CWSRF Payment - Mrs. Burgess told the Board that there needs to be a budget amendment for the CWSRF Payment that will be due in May of 2024 in the amount of $20,957.50. The Board needs to approve a budget amendment to move $20,957.50 from the Water/Sewer CD to a new Line Item (30-810-81) CWSRF Loan Payment. Commissioner Christison made a motion to make a new line item (30-810-81) named CWSRF Loan Payment and to add $20,957.50 from the Water/Sewer CD, Commissioner Morris seconded, and the motion passed.

f. Budget Amendment for OSBM Town Hall Repairs - Mrs. Burgess told the Board that there needs to be a budget amendment to cover the additional costs for the OSBM Tall Hall Repairs. The Board needs to approve a budget amendment to appropriate $60,000 from the Fund Balance to two new Line Items in the 10 Fund. $55,000 will go to Line Item 10-450-20 M&R Town Hall and $5,000 to Line Item 10-450-21 M&R Shop. Commissioner Christison made a motion to do an appropriation from the Fund Balance in the amount of $60,000 to the new Line Items 10-450-20 and 10-450-21, Commissioner Morris seconded, and the motion passed.

g. Commissioner Outland Plaque - As of February 29th, Mrs. Barbara Outland has officially resigned from her position as commissioner due to health issues with her spouse and high demand at her restaurant. Commissioner Cooper mentioned getting Mrs. Outland a plaque for the 8 years she served on the Board. The Board is very appreciative of Mrs. Outland’s presence and love for the town. Commissioner Christison made a motion to purchase a plaque for Mrs. Outland, Commissioner Morris seconded, and the motion passed.

h. Budget Amendment for FD Building Fund - Mrs. Burgess told the Board that there needs to be a budget amendment of $199,501 from the General Fund (10-700-10) to the Fire Department Building Fund (50-550-56). When Donielle created this fund, she did not make the transfer properly. The money has already been spent, but in the eyes of the auditors, this transfer needs to happen to close out the fund. Commissioner Christison made a motion to make a budget amendment to move 199,501 from 10 to 50, Commissioner Cooper seconded, and the motion passed.

Maintenance Report: Mr. Eaton read the maintenance report. Mr. Eaton would like to send Mr. Barry Lane to Pesticide Class. Commissioner Morris asked the location and cost of the class, Mr. Eaton wasn’t sure and would have to check into it. Mr. Eaton passed around some photos of warehouse items he wanted to get rid of. Commissioner Christison said we will need to put it all up for bid, and we need a list of all the items so that we can advertise it. Commissioner Christison told Mr. Eaton to go ahead and purchase a 4-inch Pump. Commissioner Morris asked if the maintenance crew has taken care of the walking trail, Mr. Eaton replied yes.

a. Zoning Board- Luther Culpepper suggested some changes be made in the Zoning Ordinances. Mayor mentioned that he would like to see every contract that is made by Mr. Culpepper since he will be signing them. Zoning was concerned with the terminology that Mr. Culpepper used in his suggestions, Commissioner Christison explained that Mr. Culpepper is just making suggestions to try and keep crime out of our town.

b. Compliance Evaluation Inspection with DEQ- Mr. Jim Westcott from Raleigh Regional Office met with Mr. Eaton and sent an overview of the meeting. He would like some closer monitoring of some things within the Wastewater program. Mr. Eaton mentioned that he came at a bad time because a lot of the paperwork is in the warehouse due to our remodel. Mr. Eaton reassured the Board that a lot of the things that he is asking for has already been taken care of and reported, he also mentioned that all the things are going to be fixed when we get some of the grants started.

Comments from the Mayor: Mayor Beale thanked the public for attending and reminded them that they do have a voice.

Comments from the Commissioners: Commissioner Christison thanked everyone for coming and the Town Hall is close to being finished. Commissioner Morris said that they are still working on getting the Police Department right.

Public Comments: Mr. Mann mentioned a gentleman walking around town has asthma attacks and we need to keep a lookout on his wellness. Commissioner Morris mentioned that he is going to get in contact with the Sheriff’s Department to have a wellness check done on some residents around. Mrs. Boyce believes that Raymond should have a secretary to help upload his paperwork, so he doesn’t have to take a lot of his paperwork home.
Mrs. Burgess brought up someone who called and wanted to move here but breeds pit bulls out of their home and wanted to know if that is allowed. Commissioner Cooper says we need to stay current and up to date with zoning. The individual will need to go through zoning first, then it will go to the Board.

Adjourn: Commissioner Morris made a motion to adjourn at 8:43 pm, Commissioner Christison seconded and the motion passed.


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Town of Woodland, NC
PO Box 297
123 E Main St., Woodland, NC 27897
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm. Closed for lunch 12:00-1:00pm