Town of Woodland Board Minutes
Date: November 4, 2021
7:00 PM
Board/Staff Present:
Randy Beale – Mayor
Barbara Outland – Commissioner
Brian Christison – Commissioner
Donielle McDermott – Town Clerk
Eddie Hoggard – Police Chief
Raymond Eaton – ORC
Commissioner Cooper and Commissioner Morris were absent.
Call to Order: Mayor Beale called the meeting to order at 7pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by a moment of silent reflection.
Mayor Beale told the public the board was missing two commissioners, therefore they would not be making any motions during this meeting. However, they will continue with the meeting and listen to any public comments.
Public Comments: Tony Burnette, the Northampton County Emergency Management Director, was present. Mr. Burnette thanked the town for allowing his group to use the park for Trunk or Treat. He estimated about 250 people present that day. The main purpose for Mr. Burnette coming to the board meeting was to discuss the communication issue on the east end of the county. The problem with the communication is the repeater. The county is doing what they can to clear this issue up. They needed three quotes before they could move forward with fixing the repeater. It is on the agenda for the next county board meeting, which is scheduled for Monday, November 15, 2021 and should be voted on at that time.
Lakesha Ransom was present at the board meeting as well. Mrs. Ransom is the 911 director for Northampton County. She stated that there will be an 8-12 week turnaround once the quote is voted on. Commissioner Christison asked who does the liability fall on, but Mrs. Ransom did not know the answer. Mrs. Ransom said the car radios work fine, it’s the portable radios that are having issues. The Rich Square link is down causing the problem.
Mayor Beale told the public the town board was missing a couple of commissioner this evening, therefore there will be no motions made.
Fire Department: Robbie Collier discussed the concrete quotes stating time is important in order to get the trucks in the building before the cold weather hits.
Mr. Collier said while digging a trench on the other side of the fire department building, he came across some a lot of water. He thinks it may be coming from an 8 inch line from Cottonwood. His idea is to plug the line or put another valve in.
The electrical and plumbing part of the new building is 98% complete.
Raymond Eaton told Mr. Collier that the pipes are in at Rightmyer and can be picked up at any time. Mr. Collier said he will pick them up.
Donielle McDermott informed Mr. Collier that there is $17,388.75 remaining in the budget for the new building as of today.
Police Report: Chief Hoggard said he received a grant extension of December 31, 2021 in order to be able to spend the $5,000 surplus in his equipment grant. He is waiting to see if the Town will be approved for a new grant.
Maintenance Report: Engineers Anthony Roper and Keith Hurdle from SEPI discussed asset management maintenance with the board. Both gentlemen previously worked with NCDOT. They drafted a proposal to develop a pavement condition survey. With this plan, SEPI would assist, plan and prioritize, develop plans, and get specifications to maintain our roads. Mr. Roper said he can scale the proposal up or down depending on our need and budget. Working with SEPI would be like the town is given blueprints on what work needs to be done. Raymond Eaton said their experience with the DOT would be helpful, as he is not an asphalt expert. Commissioner Christison asked how long this would take. Mr. Roper said the longer we can give a contractor, the better quality of work they will do and better prices.
a. The Town received the permit for lift station #1.
b. Blaine Humphrey is almost done with the waste water treatment plant renewal map. It is due in December.
c. The monitoring reduction of well #3 has now been reduced to twice a year instead of quarterly.
d. The debris site has been inspected and approved.
e. The asphalt quotes are included in the packets.
f. The concrete quotes are included in the packets.
g. This was at the beginning of the maintenance report.
The permit came in to run the water system. Raymond Eaton read the maintenance report at this time.
CDBG: The monthly report was included in the packet.
Comments from the Mayor: Mayor Beale is glad to see everyone and apologized for missing the last meeting due to work.
Comments from the Commissioners: Commissioner Outland congratulated Commissioner Cooper and Christison for being re-elected for another four years as town commissioners.
Commissioner Christison discussed possibly using Town Hall as a polling place for the next election.
Raymond Eaton stated Julian Odom has expressed interest in coming back to work for the Town.
Public Comments: No comments
Adjourn: At 8:01 pm, Commissioner Outland made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Christison seconded and the motion carried.