Town of Woodland Board Meeting
Date: May 2, 2024
7:00 PM

Board/Staff Present:

Randy Beale – Mayor
Brian Christison - Commissioner
Ricky Morris - Commissioner
Raymond Eaton - ORC
Brittany Burgess - Town Clerk
Terri Bolton - Part Time Clerk

Call to Order: Mayor Beale called the meeting to order at 7 PM. Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a moment of silent reflection.

Approval of Agenda: The first item of business was the approval or amendment of the agenda. Commissioner Christison made a motion to approve the agenda, Commissioner Morris seconded, and the motion passed.

Approval of Minutes: The next item of business was the approval or amendment of the minutes from the regular board meeting dated April 4th, 2024. Commissioner Christison made a motion to approve the minutes from the regular board meeting dated April 4th, 2024, Commissioner Morris seconded, and the motion passed.

Consideration of Bills: Commissioner Morris made a motion to approve bills, Commissioner Christison seconded, and the motion passed.

Lagoon Rehabilitation & Septage Receiving Station – Blaine Humphrey: Blaine Humphrey is here tonight to present the Engineering Services Agreement between Rivers & Associates and the Town of Woodland for the Lagoon Rehabilitation & Septage Receiving Station. The agreement is for $477,100. Mayor Beale thanked Blaine and Rivers & Associates for all their help and business with our Town. Commissioner Christison questioned if we could do the slug as a two-part project, Mr. Humphrey replied yes that is one way we could do it. Mr. Eaton would like to set it up so that it is all one unit instead of two. Commissioner Christison asked if there was only one project they could do with the state budget money we’ve received, Mr. Humphrey replied yes for the most part. Commissioner Christison made a motion to approve the Lagoon Rehabilitation & Septage Receiving Station Engineering Services Agreement with Rivers & Associates, Commissioner Morris seconded, and the motion passed.

Public Comments: No public comments.

Fire Department: Mr. Robbie Collier read the monthly report.

a. OSBM Grant Project Ordinance - Commissioner Morris made a motion to approve the amended OSBM Grant Project Ordinance in the amount of $500,000 Grant ID 12142, Commissioner Christison seconded, and the motion passed. The money will be used to purchase a brand new fire truck from Fax Brothers located in Georgia. Ladies Auxiliary will host a Pancake & Sausage Breakfast from 8:00 – 11:00 AM for Mother’s Day on May 11th. Blood Drive will be held July 17th and another in December. Training is getting ready to start back.

Police Report: There will be an increase for the Sheriff’s Department employees that are doing shifts at night from $25 to $35 per hour, starting July 1st.
Commissioner Morris reported we have had one call in town since not having a chief, he monitored the man and ended up calling the Sheriff’s Dept and they were here within 3 minutes. Commissioner Christison said that the Town Hall should be ready to move in within the next two weeks so the Police Department can go ahead and move in and get their paperwork together.

Clerk Report: Budget Workshop will be on May 16th at 6:00 PM. Mayor Beale thanked Mrs. Burgess and Mrs. Bolton for all they do for the Town. Mrs. Burgess mentioned that Mrs. Beale from CADA Head Start said they are going to need to have a Lead and Asbestos inspection at their building.
A. TPSA Audit Contract for Fiscal Year 2024 - Mrs. Burgess informed the Board that the price of the Audit to be done by Thompson, Price, Scott, and Adams has increased to $18,250. Commissioner Christison made a motion to approve the contract with TPSA not to exceed $18,250; Commissioner Morris seconded, and the motion passed.

Maintenance Report: Mr. Eaton read the monthly report. Mr. Eaton postponed sending his employees to the Pesticide Class on May 8th because that will be the same week as Clean Up week. Mr. Eaton brought two quotes from Waymaker Construction to the Board for patching and paving the roads throughout town, one is for the State roads that we have been receiving complaints on ($15,500) and the other is for all the roads with bad potholes that we need to repave ($91,500). Commissioner Christison asked if there was any way that the maintenance department could go around filling in some potholes with the patching filler each week until the roads and potholes are taken care of, Mr. Eaton replied that would be great. Commissioner Christison made a motion to approve a contract with Waymaker Construction for $15,500 to patch and pave the DOT complaints, Commissioner Morris seconded, and the motion passed.
Commissioner Christison asked how many leaks are left throughout Town, Mr. Eaton replied three or four. Commissioner Christison says we need to get all those leaks taken care of.
Mr. Eaton would like to thank David Cooper and Bryant & Lassiter for all their help in fixing leaks and he also thanked the Fire Department for flagging on Tuesday for the Maintenance Department to fix the leak in front of Charles Timberlake’s store.
Mr. Eaton would like to hire Alan Outlaw for the Maintenance Department. He was concerned because Mr. Outlaw has a Virginia driver's license, Commissioner Christison said that he has already talked to the insurance agency about that, and it is ok. Commissioner Christison told Mr. Eaton to hire Mr. Outlaw full time at $13 per hour with insurance after he completes his probationary period. Mayor Beale questioned if we perform drug tests before we hire, Commissioner Christison and Morris replied yes. The Board told Mr. Eaton to make sure to let Mr. Outlaw know that we do perform drug testing before we hire.
Mr. Eaton says we need to get Mr. Gilbert Timberlake’s well casing fixed.

a. Debris Clean Up at Boat Factory - Mr. Eaton informed the Board that Mr. Ken Guynn would like to get the Boat Factory cleaned up during Clean Up week. Commissioner Christison said that Mr. Guynn had asked him about bringing one of our trucks to the Boat Factory and leaving it so they could load it up to be hauled off. Mayor Beale said he is not against them using Clean Up week to help him out, but that is a lot of stuff. Commissioner Christison is not in favor of leaving our Town truck there overnight. Commissioner Christison says we should go and help them clean up after Clean Up week is completed to not slow us down going throughout town, he also would like it all to be done during the day. Mr. Eaton mentioned having the maintenance crew helping Mr. Guynn on a Saturday, Commissioner Christison said he would like for us to take the truck over there on the following Monday after Clean Up week and leave it from that morning to that evening and we will take as many loads as can be taken in a day. Mr. Eaton says we need access to the Boat Factory for flushing the fire hydrant.

b. Burgwyn Cemetery Maintenance Contract - Commissioner Christison said that would need to be cut with a push mower and he knows that the Maintenance Department will need a push mower to do it. Mr. Eaton believes it would need to be done every two weeks and probably take about an hour to be done. Commissioner Morris made a motion to approve the Burgwyn Contract for $250 a year for a 5-year period, Commissioner Christison seconded, and the motion passed.

c. Uniforms - Mr. Eaton mentioned that Mr. Barry Lane has been working in tank tops and has at one point been working without a shirt, and he has mentioned to him many times before that he needs to wear his uniform that is provided because that would look more presentable.

d. Zoning Ordinance Changes - Mr. Luther Culpepper has made a proposal to the Board with some changes to the Zoning Ordinances. A public hearing will be held on June 6, 2024 to address these changes.

Comments from the Mayor: Mayor Beale thanked the Board, the maintenance crew, and the Town Clerks for all their time and help. He also thanks Mr. Mann for showing up and being a present citizen.

Comments from the Commissioners: Commissioner Christison and Morris as well as Mayor Beale thanked Mr. Culpepper for all the help he has provided the town. Mr. Eaton wanted to make sure to thank Commissioner Cooper and Bryant & Lassiter for all the help that they have provided the Town with for the leaks.

Public Comments: Mr. Mann questioned how long the Burgwyn contract will be, Commissioner Christison answered it is for 10 years but will renew every 5 years. Mr. Mann urges us to change the wording because there might come a time that the Board would like to get out of the contract, Commissioner Christison and Morris mentioned that the Burgwyns have done a lot and given a lot to the Town so if a new board comes in, they will have to go through Mr. Culpepper to have that changed.
603 and the lot between that and 605 on E Main St. need to do something about their yard, across from the Dollar General. Dollar General’s “pond” needs to be cleaned out too. Mrs. Burgess said she would send them a letter to have their grass mowed.
Mr. Mann said the grass needs to be cut and weed-eated better at the park. Mr. Eaton said he will get them to fix that.

Adjourn: Commissioner Christison made a motion to adjourn at 8:31 pm, Commissioner Morris seconded, and the motion passed.


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Town of Woodland, NC
PO Box 297
123 E Main St., Woodland, NC 27897
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm. Closed for lunch 12:00-1:00pm