Town of Woodland Board Minutes
Date: July 7, 2022
7:00 PM
Board/Staff Present:
Randy Beale - Mayor
David Cooper – Commissioner
Ricky Morris - Commissioner
Brian Christison – Commissioner
Barbara Outland - Commissioner
Donielle McDermott – Town Clerk
Raymond Eaton was absent.
Call to Order: Mayor Beale called the meeting to order at 7pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by a moment of silent reflection.
Approval of Agenda: The first item of business was the approval or amendment of the agenda. Commissioner Christison made a motion to amend the agenda by the following: move item 10 directly after public comments and add a “d, e, and f” to item 10, add to item 8 a “c and d”, and add closed session pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(6) for personnel issues approve the agenda as written. Commissioner Cooper seconded and the motion carried.
Approval of Minutes: The next item on the agenda was the approval or amendment of the minutes for the public hearing dated June 6, 2022 and the regular meeting dated June 2, 2022. Commissioner Morris made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Commissioner Christison seconded and the motion carried.
Consideration of Bills: Commissioner Cooper made a motion to pay all the current bills and to also pay all the regular bills that come in throughout the month. Commissioner Outland seconded and the motion carried.
Public Comments: Ashley Barnes requested to hook up to the Town’s sewer lines. Mr. Barnes lives in Potecasi at 3208 NC HWY 35. Commissioner Cooper told the board that Northampton County Health Department said there is no where available on Mr. Barnes’ property to put a new septic service. The board informed Mr. Barnes that the cost to hook up is his responsibility. Commissioner Christison made a motion to approve Ashley Barnes to hook up to the Town of Woodland’s septic system. Commissioner Morris seconded and the motion carried. Mrs. McDermott will contact the county public works to find out how to add Mr. Barnes to the billing cycle with the county.
Sidney Joyner said he knows that the Upper Coastal Plain Council of Government is trying to get internet service in our area. He knows that Lasker recently got internet through REA by placing an antenna on their water tower. Mr. Joyner said the state has had money for low income counties for a while and wants to know why Woodland has yet to see reliable internet come to town. He urged the board to contact Franklin Williams, the county’s economic development director, and push him to get reliable internet here.
Bobby Mann stated that Lasker does indeed have internet with REA now because they have it at their church.
a. The monthly report from the COG is included in the packets and will be included in the Minute Book.
b. Progress Minutes from Meeting #1 are included in the board packets and will also be included in the Minute Book.
c. Blaine Humphrey joined via Zoom. Change order #2 in the amount of $29,266.94 is for additional costs associated with the buried Imhoff Tank discovered during excavation for structures and piping, additional silt fence required for the project, and an additional riser section on the ARV vault to accommodate the installation of the new ARV assembly. Mr. Humphrey said the state told him that this additional cost should be eligible for reimbursement with the 2015 CDBG funds. Commissioner Christison made a motion to approve change order #2 in the amount if $29,266.94. Commissioner Morris seconded and the motion carried.
d. The Signatory Form and Certification plus the Sales Tax Reimbursement Certification need to be signed for the 2015 CDBG grant.
e. Commissioner Christison made a motion to approve the CDBG-I Sewer Collection System Rehabilitation Grant Project Ordinance for Grant #15-I-3647 with a budget of $450,635.00. Commissioner Outland seconded and the motion carried.
f. Mr. Humphrey discussed Pay Request #1 to T.A. Loving Company in the amount of $368,184.75. Mr. Humphrey would like to also get a second request in before July 29th as well. During the recent progress meeting, there was discussion on stopping the contract in November and starting it back up in March or April. Blaine Humphrey spoke to Stephanie Morris and John Tucker with the state about this. They said because of shipping delays, this should not be a problem. Commissioner Christison made a motion to approve and pay Pay Request #1 from T.A. Loving Company in the amount of $368,184.75. Commissioner Outland seconded and the motion carried.
Blaine Humphrey said that the preliminary results are in, and it looks as if the Town of Woodland will be approved to receive funding for the Asset Inventory Assessment for our water system. The project total is for $157,500 and we requested $150,000 in funding. The Town will be responsible for the remaining $7,500 to the state for this project.
Fire Department: Robbie Collier read the monthly report which will be included in the Minute Book.
• The TR classes are continuing. They will start a new series in January.
• There will be a work day this Saturday.
• They are having mutual aid training next week in Conway.
• The fire department is hosting a blood drive July 20, 2022 from 2-6 pm.
• November 12, 2022 will be the Deer Tournament.
• One year ago today, the cement was poured at the new fire department building.
• The yard sale was successful, making a little over $2,000 and even having items left over to donate.
Police Report: Chief Hoggard read the police report which will be included in the Minute Book. The current part time salary rate is $16.50. Chief Hoggard is requesting to raise that starting salary to $18 for any new hire going forward.
Commissioner Morris said there should be a minimum number of hours per month the part time officer works.
Clerk Report:
a. Former Commissioner Ron Lane started the memorial brick fundraiser years ago for Woodland Community Outreach. This organization has since disbanded leaving the brick orders and money raised to the Town of Woodland. Mr. Lane said that when bricks are ordered one or two at a time, the amount of money the town makes off each order is very minimal. He suggested raising the cost of the 4”x8” bricks from $50 to $75 and the 8”x8” bricks from $100 to $125. The board all agreed that they do not look at this as a fundraiser, but instead an asset to the town. Because of this, they agreed to leave the brick prices the same. On this note, Commissioner Cooper asked for the flood light at the memorial park to be fixed by notifying Dominion.
b. The North Carolina Department of Transportation contacted the town to see if we would like to sign the NCDOT Disaster Related Debris Removal Memorandum of Agreement. With this agreement signed, the Town could enact this memorandum and authority would be released to the town to remove and dispose of storm related vegetative debris along NCDOT routes after a federal emergency had been declared. This would enable the town to receive reimbursement from FEMA. Even if the town signs the agreement, it does not have to be enacted unless the town decides to do so. Commissioner Morris made a motion to approve and sign the NCDOT Disaster Related Debris Removal Memorandum of Agreement. Commissioner Christison seconded the motion carried.
c. CADA signed the new lease with a raised monthly rent of $1,800 per month.
d. Southern Bank installed the new credit card machine today. We can now start accepting credit and debit cards. To offset monthly fees, Mrs. McDermott asked the board to consider requiring a convenience fee of some nominal amount. The board on a $3 fee per transaction. Commissioner Cooper made a motion to approve a convenience fee of $3 for every debit and credit card transaction. Commissioner Christison seconded and the motion carried.
Maintenance Report: Mayor Beale read the monthly report. Commissioner Cooper asked for everyone to remember Raymond Eaton as he has been doing dialysis and may be having his transplant surgery soon. Mr. Eaton is very important to the Town of Woodland.
Comments from the Mayor: No comments
Comments from the Commissioners: No comments
Public Comments: Mr. Mann asked when the water leaks would be fixed on Main Street. Commissioner Christison said we are having issues with the wells coming on too much creating more pressure which has resulted in numerous leaks. Commissioner Cooper said fixing the leaks on the main roads are tougher than fixing leaks on side roads. On the main roads, we have to have traffic controls in place and reroute traffic. We do not have the manpower at this time to fix those leaks.
Closed Session: At 8:25 pm, Commissioner Cooper made a motion to go out of open session and into closes session pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(6) to discuss personnel issues. Commissioner Christison seconded and the motion carried.