Town of Woodland Board Minutes
Date: February 3, 2022
7:00 PM
Board/Staff Present:
Randy Beale - Mayor
David Cooper – Commissioner
Barbara Outland – Commissioner
Ricky Morris - Commissioner
Donielle McDermott – Town Clerk
Eddie Hoggard – Police Chief
Commissioner Christison was absent.
Call to Order: Mayor Beale called the meeting to order at 7pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by a moment of silent reflection.
Approval of Agenda: The first item of business was the approval or amendment of the agenda. Commissioner Morris made a motion to approve the agenda as written. Commissioner Outland seconded and the motion carried.
Approval of Minutes: The next item on the agenda was the approval or amendment of the minutes for the regular meeting dated January 6, 2022 and Special Called Meeting dated January 25, 2022. Commissioner Morris made a motion to approve the minutes as written for both meetings. Commissioner Outland seconded and the motion carried.
Consideration of Bills: Commissioner Cooper made a motion to pay all the current bills and to also pay all the regular bills that come in throughout the month. Commissioner Outland seconded and the motion carried.
Public Comments: No comments
Fire Department: Robbie Collier was present and read the monthly report. The siren is now up, 35 feet up in the air, but it is not wired yet. They are going to add guide wires to keep it from swaying. This siren is at least 80 years old. There is just a little bit of electrical work left to do on the new building. An open house will be scheduled soon.
Police Report: Chief Hoggard thanked the board for allowing him to attend the chief’s convention in January.
• He is working on the ordinances to determine which ones can be charged criminally and which ones cannot.
• The last reimbursement for the 2020 grant has been submitted.
• The 2022 grant is now open and Chief Hoggard is in the process of ordering equipment using this grant money.
• Chief Hoggard is now applying for the 2023 grant. The due date for submission was January 31st, and he will know by October if the Town will receive this grant.
• Commissioner Morris asked Chief Hoggard if he was able to get a schedule for our part time position. Chief Hoggard said he is working on the policy now.
• Chief Hoggard is working on his budget numbers with the hopes to get a full-time officer next fiscal year.
Clerk Report:
a. Budget Amendment #1: Commissioner Cooper made a motion to approve a new revenue line item labeled Close of CDs 10-343-02 and increase this revenue to $56,306.53, and to increase expenditure line item Capital Outlay 10-570-92 by $56,306.53. Commissioner Morris seconded and the motion carried. $54,000 of this money was used to pay Trinity Paving to pave/patch our streets.
b. Budget Amendment #2: Commissioner Cooper made a motion to approve a new revenue line item labeled From CD 0260 20-300-09 and increase this revenue to $50,000, and to add a new expenditure line item labeled New Building Concrete 20-530-65 and increase this expenditure by $50,000. Commissioner Morris seconded and the motion carried.
Maintenance Report: Raymond Eaton read the report, which will be included in the Minute Book.
• The 8 inch pipe and a valve was installed at the water tower. Thank you to Commissioner Cooper and his crew for helping the maintenance crew with this installation. We also borrowed two employees from Murfreesboro at no cost.
• There is a strong leak at the corner of N. Chestnut and Oak St. They will replace the 2 inch pipe next week and install a valve.
• There have been problems with buses being able to turn around on Olive Street, but “No Parking” signs have been put up and this seems to be helping.
• Mr. Eaton is working on locating the cleanout for Mr. Dewey Hobbs’ residence. This is needed for the CDBG project.
• Commissioner Cooper asked Mr. Eaton what his upcoming schedule will be like knowing he will have doctor appointments and surgery coming up. Who will be in charge? Mr. Eaton said Chris Wheeler will be the ORC while he is away. As far as an everyday person in charge, Commissioner Cooper volunteered to be that contact person.
• Mr. Eaton would like to start a capital project fund to start saving money to install valves throughout the town. Commissioner Cooper said this is a great idea because this last valve installed cost the town $7,500. Installing valves means water does not need to be turned off for the entire town when new pipes are being installed or leaks are being fixed.
Premium Pay: The board previously discussed paying the town employees a premium pay for working during Covid using the American Rescue Plan funds. Commissioner Morris made a motion to approve premium pay for all town employees, full-time and part-time, at a rate of $1.00 per hour for hours worked during Covid with the beginning date of January 27, 2020 through the date of January 26, 2022. Commissioner Cooper seconded and the motion carried.
CDBG: The monthly report will be included in the Minute Book. Next Tuesday, February 7th, 2022 is the deadline for engineers to turn in their Statement of Qualifications for the 2015 CDBG project. So far, two SOQs have come in, one from Rivers and Associates and the other from McDavid Associates. The town will review the SOQs and determine which engineer will best suit the Town of Woodland.
Comments from the Mayor: No comments
Comments from the Commissioners: Commissioner Cooper said we need to move forward with the roof of this building. The clerk has relocated her office in order to be in a better environment, but the roof is still an issue. We need to take care of this building.
Donielle McDermott thanked Mayor Beale for changing offices with her. The new office is dry and warm.
Public Comments: Chief Hoggard said the clerk from Aulander is helping him get set up to apply for Walmart grants in the future.
Raymond Eaton said he needs riff raff at CADA.
Commissioner Morris asked if the gentleman who owns the property beside where our marquee is located has complained anymore about the location of the marquee. No, we have not heard anymore from him.
Closed Session: Commissioner Cooper made a motion to close open session and go into closed session pursuant to NCGS 143-319.11(a)(6) to discuss personnel. Commissioner Morris seconded and the motion carried.
Open Session: Commissioner Cooper made a motion to go out of close session and back into open session and is was seconded by Commissioner Outland.
Open Session: Commissioner Cooper made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Commissioner Outland.