Town of Woodland Special Called Meeting to Discuss the Adoption of the Asset
Inventory Assessment Project Application for the Existing Water System
Board Minutes
Date: September 16, 2019
5:00 PM

Board/Staff Present:

Kenny Manuel – Mayor
David Cooper – Commissioner
Brian Christison - Commissioner
Barbara Outland – Commissioner
Pat Liverman – Commissioner
Donielle McDermott – Town Clerk
Marshall Lassiter – ORC

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by a moment of silent reflection.

Call to Order: The mayor called the meeting to order at 5:01 pm.

Approval of Agenda: The first item of business was the approval or amendment of the agenda. Commissioner Cooper made a motion to approve the agenda as written. Commissioner Christison seconded and the motion carried.

Public Comments: There were no comments.

Adoption of AIA Application: The purpose of the Asset Inventory Assessment Project is to get all of the town’s assets according to the drinking water system recorded, a GPS of our water system. This includes fire hydrants, water lines, and valves. If approved, this grant will hopefully put us in line to get more money later.

Commissioner Christison asked if our water rates were good for this, in which the mayor replied, “Yes.”

Mayor Manuel stated that the maximum amount we can go after is $150,000. We put the money up front and then get reimbursed later.

Commissioner Cooper said by having this asset inventory done, our engineers will be able to get us an updated map of what we have underground and determine what needs to be fixed.

Commissioner Christison made a motion to adopt the resolution approving Rivers and Associates to put forth the application for the Asset Inventory Assessment for the Town of Woodland. Commissioner Outland seconded and the motion carried.

Public Comments: Brenda Hewitt asked how many water tanks the town has, in which the board responded with only one.

Patty Deneen asked the board if the rates will have to be raised again. The board answered we are not planning on doing so.

Marshall Lassiter stated that he hopes we are successful. This will give us the tools we need to work with.

Adjourn: At 5:07 pm, Commissioner Liverman made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Outland seconded and the motion carried.


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Town of Woodland, NC
PO Box 297
123 E Main St., Woodland, NC 27897
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm. Closed for lunch 12:00-1:00pm